Welcome to the season opening on May 4th
April 15, 2024
Saturday, May 4th, we invite you to celebrate the season opening: a new exhibition, a new sculpture, sausages, and prosecco!

Schedule for the Day:
- 11:00: The Sculpture Park, the Industrial Museum, the cafe, and the museum shop open.
- 11:30: Official opening outside The Twist.
- 12:00: Opening of this year's exhibition "Hurvin Anderson: Salon Paintings"
- 12.00: Tatiana Trouvé's sculpture The Guardian will be on display in the Wood Pulp Mill.
As per tradition, free sausages from Kistefos Viltkjøtt and prosecco will be served to everyone throughout the day.
Tickets can be purchased here or at one of the entrances. With Kistefos' large area, everyone will be able to get in.
Residents of Jevnaker, Lunner, Nittedal, and Gran receive free entrance through the Sparebank Foundation—please provide your name and address at the entrance.
A warm welcome to all our guests!

Hurvin Anderson, Afrosheen, 2009. © Hurvin Anderson. Courtesy of the artist, Christen Sveaas’ Art Collection and Thomas Dane Gallery. Photo: Thierry Bal.